Podcast: When Leaving a Toxic "Christian" Marriage Makes Sense



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 Wives. Do you feel honored, valued, respected, and cherished?

Or, do you feel trapped, isolated, degraded, and belittled?

It took me YEARS to struggle and wrestle with the Scriptures when it came to whether or not I could have boundaries (inside and outside of our home) with my husband.

Did the Word apply to my marriage in the same way we would use it towards non-believers, sinners, and other not-so-intimate relationships?

Turns out, the Lord showed me a few things, and He has been showing things to other wives in bondage as well.

Seems there is a wave of freedom happening among Christian wives of men who have decided to walk in sinful behaviors without repentance or remorse to the point of reconciliation, specifically during the time their wives are trying to...

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